Lunes, Hulyo 11, 2011

Why i choose Information Technology?

why i choose Information Technology?
                      actually i did not choose this course because my mother choose it. but i realize that for my good. and because i observe all  jobs are they all common use is the computer so i choose it. and  it is in demand not only in this country but all over the country. and for my interviewees the course Information Technology is so difficult and expensive. Although this course is least expensive but you also recover if you can graduate and if you find a job. you will not regret this course. If you search in different classified ads, newspaper and magazine job ads, website job boards, and all the job databases online, you will see that the number of companies who want to hire IT professionals keep growing more and more everyday and The more that technology improves, the more jobs in the IT field are being offered. This is one of the main reason why in most countries worldwide, IT courses are given a high support and priority.and i observe the IT course is more advantage in other courses because i see that some student takes the job are related into there course and the other are realizing difficulty in finding work. my only ambition in life is to become a rich person. so that i can establish my family and i cannot make my family drawn them into poverty. and my only solution for it is to get the course Information Technology.